
What is design…

Design is a series of processes consisting of setting objectives, formulating plans, and expressing specifications. In other words, design is a series of actions to find a purpose that is valuable to people, users, and society, to plan a thing that can achieve the purpose, and to express the plan as specifications that others can understand. From Wikipedia

graphic design

Our proposals are mainly in the field of visual communication. This is what is called visual design or graphic design. Catalogs, pamphlets, leaflets, corporate brochures, posters, flyers, packages, illustration production, computer graphics (photo modification and computer graphics synthesis, etc.)


Branding is indispensable for companies and stores. We also provide assistance in this area. Symbol marks, logotypes, CI, typography, etc.


The Internet environment is indispensable in the post-2000 era. We offer proposals aimed at building a beautiful and easy-to-view web environment, including website design, management, banners, animation, CGI, system programming, etc.

3D Expression

We do not limit ourselves to paper or flat surfaces, but also work on space, plastic arts, and product creation. Space coordination, exhibition and event design, sign and panel production.